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I have been using some vacation time and such the last few weeks to stay home on the weekends to help out with the kids and whatnot.  I gotta say, it has been pretty nice.  The Sunday after Thanksgiving we went out to Hess Tree Farm.  We got a perfect little tree to put on a small table in the office area.   Here is a video of us decorating it!  It is amazing the things you can do while holding a baby!
It smells so good in the front room now.  The twins love looking at the lights on the tree.

I think I have everyone's Christmas gift taken care of.  Looking forward to everyone opening their gifts now.

Lots of things coming up as well.  December 15th is a big day.  I graduate!  Time to start applying more for other jobs!  Darlene is also going in for her hernia surgery that day.  Hopefully that goes well.  She won't be able to lift the kids for 6 weeks.  That is going to be interesting.....  Going to be needing lots of help from family and friends that is for sure.

It won't be Christmas without a little bit more snow!


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