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Showing posts from December, 2011

Post Op

First of all thank you to everyone that prayed for us last week while Darlene had her surgery.  Everything went great.  Darlene is doing well.  Still a little sore sometimes, but hopefully on the fast track of recovering!  Last time it was arthroscopic procedure.  This time it was actually an incision.  So there is more healing time needed now. The hardest thing now is Darlene being around the kids when she can't pick them up for a few weeks yet.  It is killing her that she can't pick up an hold her babies.  She does as much as she can, bathing, changing, feeding.  So she is at least getting some good time with them.  But it isn't the same.  She plans on being able to persuade the Dr. when she goes in for her check up to ease up on the lifting restrictions.  Nothing over 10lbs currently.  Violet is at 15lbs and Ryan at 18lbs!  They get so big, so fast.


Darlene is going under the knife again.  This will be the 6th surgery she has had since we have been together the last few years.  6 too many if you ask me.  You would think I would be a little used to it by now.  But it is almost the opposite.  Seems like I get more worried now. I would be absolutely lost without Darlene.  My wife, my friend, lover, mother to our beautiful children.  And so much more. A person tries not to think of the worst, but obviously you have to think about some things, and the worst always pops in there. So do me a favor and pray for us tomorrow morning. Thank you.


I have been using some vacation time and such the last few weeks to stay home on the weekends to help out with the kids and whatnot.  I gotta say, it has been pretty nice.  The Sunday after Thanksgiving we went out to  Hess Tree Farm .  We got a perfect little tree to put on a small table in the office area.   Here is a video of us decorating it!  It is amazing the things you can do while holding a baby! It smells so good in the front room now.  The twins love looking at the lights on the tree. I think I have everyone's Christmas gift taken care of.  Looking forward to everyone opening their gifts now. Lots of things coming up as well.  December 15th is a big day.  I graduate!  Time to start applying more for other jobs!  Darlene is also going in for her hernia surgery that day.  Hopefully that goes well.  She won't be able to lift the kids for 6 weeks.  That is going to be interesting.....  Going to be needing lots of help from family and friends that is for sure.