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Coming soon.....

The twins are coming soon!  As of right now July 15th is going to be their birthday.  We have scheduled the C-section.  Darlene is still really hoping that they will get head down and that she can experience labor.  She is a little bummed about the idea of a "scheduled" delivery.  I think it is just that part of us that wants to be able to tell out kids and others the story.  (So we were sitting around watching tv or at 3am I woke up and my water had broke so I told Jason to get ready and he stubbed his toe.... something like that I assume.)  I had read that sometimes when you play babies music in the womb is makes them move around and they end up with their head down.  So we have making play lists and Darlene has been laying down with headphones on her belly.  The twins tend to move quite a bit!  The other night one of them punched or kicked so hard the remote flew away!  It was amazing!  The twins actually have moved a little bit.  They are still transverse and the quarters are tight in there, so I am not sure if they will be able to make the full rotation or not.

I am not going to lie.  I am terrified of them.  Babies.... seriously?  Two of them?  What in the hell were Darlene and I thinking???  Life as we know it is ending....  or is it?  See on one hand I am very scared, but on the other I am like a kid waiting for Christmas.  Waiting to get 2 of the the most awesome gifts ever.  There is no way I would want to do this without Darlene.  I don't think I could without her.  She is going to be a great Mother.  I just know it.  I know that she is just as scared as I am.  Maybe even more.  But she is a natural.  Always caring for her family and friends.  She goes above and beyond at times.  She is going to rock motherhood.

The majority of things are ready for them.  Only some smaller things left to do.  Clean the cars, get the car seats in.  Pack the bag.  And put up a few things on the walls in the nursery.  Darlene is packing the bag today.  She hasn't packed yet because she is afraid that once she does then they will arrive!

All of you that know me know that I will probably be a bit emotional that day.  I get emotional right now when I just think about it, and I am OK with that.  This is the most exciting day since our wedding just over a year ago.  Like I stated before I am totally terrified, but deep down I am so excited that it is overshadowing my fear.  Maybe it is my personality.  I am the laid back kind of guy.  At first I think... whoa! Never really changed a diaper before... but then I think, a lot of guys were in these same shoes and they turned out to be great dads.  So there is my confidence boost.  Millions of people have done this before, so why can't I?

Teramazing....  That is the word that we have coined for these miracles in our lives.  Both terrifying and amazing.


  1. You guys are going to do great! I've had two sections myself. Aubrey was breech and I voluntarily went with a c section with Ella. At times I do wonder what the experience of childbirth would be like, but then I turn on The Baby Story and I count my blessings ;o) ultimately it is what ever is going to be safest for Darlene & the babes. Plus you are now able to organize everything to prepare for their arrival. Family can be there and if you have animals, those are taken care of. Also those few extra nights in the hospital with help, yay! Use those nurses and don't be afraid to send those loveables to the nursery at night so you can get some sleep. Once your home, you'll wonder what happened to that call button.

    If she was able to deliver naturally it would be done in the OR in case of emergency. Hopefully they will let Darlene hold the babes right away. My hospital allowed me to hold Ella right away. I was their first patient to do so and ever so grateful!

    We are thinking of you guys!

  2. You and Darlene will be just fine. Sure, life will change, and it's going to be a hell of a lot of work (just ask Jon and Sarah)! But you're both strong, and you have the love and support of your entire family.

  3. Jason & Darlene, Life as you know it is ending, but you are starting your new life as a family & that is the GREATEST thing ever! You are going to look back & wonder how you ever had a life without them! Those two little sweeties are going to change your world forever!
    You both are going to be two of the best parents!
    Yes, you both will be very emotional & that's OK!
    Your family & friends will be right there with you!
    I'm so looking forward to your little darlings arriving into all of our lives!
    Some crazy times ahead, but all will be well worth it through the years!
    Keep on playing that music until they realize it's time to meet their Mama & Dada-then the fun begins!
    I wish a normal birth for them, but most of all, a safe birth...
    I love you both & am so looking forward to becoming a Grandma again!
    You will be AMAZING parents!


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