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Showing posts from March, 2012

Spring has Sprung

Wow, it has been a while since I have written a blog post.  Much has happened on Chase St lately. First off...  I no longer work for the Dispatch Center.  I was hired by Infitech.  A local IT company.  Anything technology related we handle.  From residential to big business.  So now I am trying to learn as much as I can.  You only learn so much in school.  On the job training is where it is at.  I have been at Infitech for a good month now.  Things are going great.  One of the best parts of it all...  WEEKENDS OFF!  Spending more time with Darlene and the kids is awesome. You may or may have not have heard Violet spending a night in the hospital.  She had a fever, we took her to the doctor and they needed to run some tests.  She had a high white blood cell count so they admitted her.  Once of the worse things ever is to have to hold your daughter down as she is crying so hard that she gags on her own drool while they try not once, but three times to get an IV in her tiny little han