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Showing posts from January, 2012

Shared Post

Came across this post and needed to share it on mine. About Michael  Michael Mitchell is an (almost) thirty-something dad who blogs daily tips and life lessons for dads of daughters at . He spends his days practicing the arts of fatherhood and husbandry, while attempting to be a man of God and a professional raiser of philanthropic funds. On the rare occasion he’s not tied up with the aforementioned and other pursuits of awesomeness, he enjoys fighting street gangs for local charities and drinking from a cup that’s half full. Bookmark  Life To Her Years , follow Michael on  Twitter , and “like” him on  Facebook  for more “rules”. 1. Love her mom. Treat her mother with respect, honor, and a big heaping spoonful of public displays of affection. When she grows up, the odds are good she’ll fall in love with and marry someone who treats her much like you treated her mother. Good or bad, that’s just the way it is. I’d prefer good. 2. Always be there. Qualit

Losing Sucks

The voting has come and gone, and we were not crowned winners of the Nuk contest.  I thought that we had an awesome chance.  19,000 video views on Youtube, lots of Facebook support, me posting links all day.  But we never knew about "vote exchange"  It appears the winner was well aware of it!  We will definitely bring it next time!


The holiday season has come and gone.  Man o man is it quite a bit different with the twins to haul around!  This year I am sure didn't really matter to them, too little to know what is going on.  We will have to see how next year goes.  Travelling with the twins is quite a feat.  We had to take 2 vehicles so that we had room for all of our stuff, and then to take the kids gifts back home with us. Christmas seemed a bit different this year.  It really didn't seem like Christmas at all.  I don't know if it was because of there being no snow.  Or because of the kids, or who knows.  It just didn't feel like it.  Heck, we are still waiting to have one of the families parties yet!  It will definitely be good to see everyone that is for sure. The only thing that has been going on lately with the Garski family is trying to get votes to win an Ipad2 and a trip to the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas.  I know we have promoted the heck out of that so you are probably sick of us

Please Vote!

By now many of our family and friends are probably sick of me spamming their Facebook walls and inbox's with requests to vote for our sons video.  I submitted this video last month for the chance at being a finalist and for our family to win a vacation.  I honestly did NOT think that we would actually be chosen!  Ryan's video "GigglePants" was 1 of 5 videos chosen in the "Laughing" category.  I could not believe it when I got the email saying that we were picked.  So now I have been begging family and friends to go to the Nuk Facebook page and vote for our video.  It doesn't take much time, and just think, your one vote a day could land us in the Bahamas at the Atlantis resort!  Ryan and Violet would love it! Here are the details.... Please help us win a trip to the Bahamas for our family. You can vote once a day per Facebook account! Thank you to everyone w ho has voted and continues to vote! Make sure to "like" the Nuk page and then you w