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Showing posts from November, 2011


It is that time of the year again.  The time of Thanksgiving.  A time where many of us sit and think of all of the things to be thankful for.  I always have so much to be thankful for. Family and friends, you guys are the main ones.  I am so blessed to have each and everyone of you in my life.  Thank you for all of the help and support you have given me.  I know it is somewhat vague, but you know in your own hearts if you have been there and helped or not. My wife  Darlene .  She is absolutely the best thing that has ever happened in my life.  I know I can always count on her.  She is my best friend.  An awesome mother, kick ass wife, and sexy ass biatch.  And she has given me a couple of great things to be thankful for. The twins: Violet and Ryan have turned our lives upside down.  And its been great.  Sure you have your bad days, but the next time they smile or give you a giggle, or even look into your eyes as your are holding them in your arms you forget about all of those bad


GigglePants Ryan Laughing So here is Ryan laughing the other night.  Makes you smile!

Most Demanding Job in the World

Being a parent is one of the most demanding jobs in the world.  Darlene and I were talking about this last night. It is truly astounding.  Does anyone really ever think about it before they do it?  I mean sure, have a baby.  Sounds simple right?  It is just amazing that people can create life, but they are not done at that point.  That is really only the beginning.  That little baby turns into a person, a person like you and I.  It just blows my mind when I think about it.  You are responsible for caring, loving, teaching, etc.  Sharing everything that you know and then some.  It is almost daunting when you think about it.  Yet people have been doing it for years! Maybe I sound like I am talking crazy, but just sit down and think about it. Something for you to "Think on Thursday" about.


So I was talking about getting my new camera...  I haven't shown off any pictures yet!  So here are a few of them... Just getting my feet wet!

Rolling in the Deep

So the twins have been sleeping through the night for some time now.  Darlene and I enjoy it a great deal, but this morning.....   Ryan decided to roll over at 4am.  And then proceeded to cry.  Darlene got up with him, rolled him back over and he went back to sleep for an hour.  I got up with him at 5 and there was no way he was going back to sleep.  I really hope this isn't a pattern starting! What can we do about it?? Any ideas?

November Rain

Wow, I can not believe that it is November already.  Tomorrow it is supposed to be a dreary rainy day.  Good thing I got all of the yard work done this last weekend.  Erin and Sarah took the kids with them to their parents house.  It was a great chance for Darlene and I to get a good amount of things done around the house.  Always a great feeling. The twins will be 16 weeks old this week.  Can't believe how fast time flies.  They are starting to be a little more "fun" now.  Talking more, laughing more, crying less.  Their moves are not so crazy, yet they still are. Love this little graphic. Ryan has rolled over once in his crib.  I have seen it almost happen one other time as well.  I know Violet is right behind him.  Both have had small moments of them holding their own bottles. I am excited...  Darlene is going to be writing a blog also.  Mainly about the twins.  We came across a very funny blog and decided to run our own also.   Re