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Showing posts from August, 2011


Taking care of the twins is no job for one single person.  It is hard enough with just Darlene and I together.  If you are a parents of twins and took care of them all by yourself for the first two months then you are a ROCKSTAR . Violet is pretty laid back and doesn't fuss much unless she is hungry or needs to be changed.  Now Ryan on the other hand is one fussy baby.  I thought that we might have made some improvements yesterday, but now I am not so sure.  We are using gas drops, feeding him more upright and burping after every ounce.  It has helped a lot.  Now he was only fussing in the evening instead of ALL DAY .  He was OK in his swing for about 25 mins, which is a huge improvement.  The other issue is that he won't nap during the day.  And the only way that he will stay down for any period of time when he does is on his stomach.  ( I know we are terrible parents ) If both of our kids were like Violet then things would be much better for us. We are going to continue


Life as we knew it on Chase Street has changed.  Changed for the better?  We hope so because it can't get any worse! As many of you know we brought our twins Violet and Ryan home on my father's birthday, July 17th.  The first few days were hell.  We had wondered what we had gotten ourselves into.  We called in some back up (our parents)  Having someone there to help us out was awesome and helped us so much.  Some of the best help we had was from Darlene's book club ladies.  They took turns cooking us dinner a few nights a week.  That was awesome. 2 hours of sleep over a period of 30 is not a good thing.  Thank goodness for family and friends that helped out. It's crazy how one day you are going about your business and then one day everything changes.  You no longer matter and now you have two little people that need to be taken care of before anything else happens.  And we are OK with that. Being home with them has been the best.  Even though they may be crying