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Showing posts from 2010

Too Long

A lot has happened since my last blog post.  Life does that to you!  I finished up the school semester, passed my classes so that is a great thing!  I also took the CompTia A+ Essentials test and passed that certification.  Everything is still on track for me to graduate next December.  I can't wait!  The end of this last semester was very hectic.  Break time now! Christmas has come and gone now.  A little bit of driving with making two trips to Appleton, but it is always worth it.  We are now on the verge of a New Year!  Lots of excitement coming up this next year. We will begin on our renovations with the back bedroom in a week and then the bathroom in March.  I will definitely post some pictures! I hope everyone has a great New Year's!

The Hunt for Brown November

So this last weekend I headed up to the hunting cabin.  AKA Aunt Tammy and Uncle Todd's place.  We did pretty good on opening weekend this year.  Uncle Tom shot a nice 8 point buck, Uncle Todd shot a smaller buck and Ben shot 2 does.  Grandpa didn't see anything and I don't think my dad saw anything either.  I saw one on each day.  Couldn't get a shot on either of them though.  It seemed pretty darn cold this year.  I thought I had figured out the perfect combinations of socks and gloves to keep my feet and hands warm, but it didn't work this year!  It was cold. Saturday we had some awesome lasagna with dessert made by Darlene.  It was all great.  It was Darlene's first attempt at a pecan pie.  She can definitely make it for me in the future!  Pecan is one of my faves. Sunday after the Packer game we had to cut all of the deer up.  Made for a long day and long drive back home. Hadn't planned on doing it then, but oh well, what can you do.  On top of that I


I was just browsing a few pictures I had on my flash drive and this was one of them. I could go for a piece of cake right now!


We have slowly started to clean up the G Lounge so that we can clear that area out and get rid of all of the bar items and then move the desk from the back room in there.  I didn't realize how much stuff I had behind the bar! Some items we tossed.  Expired product and such.  I realized that I should start drinking more of this booze!  Can't just waste it.  That is alcohol abuse!  So I need to have some more wash on hand.  We had Erin over for dinner and drinks last night, so at least we put a dent in it!  There is still plenty to drink. I also have and experiment brewing.  I have a bottle of some vodka with some peppers in it.  Thought it would be great for bloody marys!  I am thinking of using it soon.  Haven't had the right time to use it. Ocean Spray BarPac Mixer Bloody Mary Mix - 32 oz - Bloody Mary Mix


As many of you know I have been going back to school for my IT-Networking degree from MSTC in Stevens Point.  I am in my 3rd semester.  I have 2 semesters left.  I will be doing another full time semester this next spring.  I did full time last spring and it was rough.  Hopefully it won't kill me like last semester did.  The plan is that I will graduate next December.  There have been some rough spots, but I made it through.  I am looking forward to finishing up this semester and getting started with the next one.  I will hopefully be doing my internship soon and I am excited to get some on the job experience. I am also looking forward to getting done with the semester so that I have more time to do work on the house.  We plan on doing most of the work on the back bedroom the first/second weekend in January, when I am on winter break.  And then the plan is to work on the bathroom over spring break. (the end of March)   The G Lounge will be NO MORE .  It saddens me a little bit.

There is a first time for everything!

We have been trying to start our family even before we were married in June.  We knew it would take some time, but even now we have no idea when that will happen!  Darlene has being going through a few treatments to help our chances at getting pregnant.  It is very exciting and very scary all at the same time. Because of us wanting to expand our family and because our home desperately needs it, we will be doing some more home renovations soon.  Before Darlene moved in I had redone the bedroom off of the living room.  Ripped everything out and put in all new electrical, insulation and even upgraded by running some cable TV and internet lines.  It has made a huge difference.  When it was Alyssa's room there was ice in the corner during the winter.  Now we roast in there! We plan on doing the same thing to the other bedroom now.  Prepping it to hopefully be our nursery. Then comes the bathroom.  That is a whole other story in itself! So...  Stay tuned for future updates!